mortgage agent & Money Advocate | Hamilton, on

Mortgage Agent & Money Advocate Hamilton, On

Mortgage Pre-Approval Checklist

Getting ready for a pre-approval conversation shouldn’t be daunting; let me help you get started. I’ve created a checklist for what to have ready before a pre-approval, refinance, purchase or renewal phone call:

Part One: List Your Personal Details:

  • Your name
  • Date of birth
  • SIN
  • Marital status
  • Your ID

Part Two: Gather Your Assets & Liabilities:

  • List of all sources of assets
    • Savings
    • RRSPs
    • Investments
    • TFSA etc.
  • Any monthly Liabilities
    • student loan
    • car loan
    • credit cards
    • line of credit
    • child support
    • spousal support

Part Three: Prepare Your Income Details:

  • Commitment: part time or full time
  • Compensation: salaried or hourly
  • Employer Details:
    • Employer name
    • Address
    • Job title
    • Length of employment
      • note that you will need to provide at least a 3 year history of employment
  • Any child tax credit benefit and if so, the ages of your children
  • Any properties owned currently
  • Property details, for all properties owned:
    • Address
    • Any rental income
    • Property taxes
    • Mortgage balance
    • Mortgage payment
    • Interest rate
    • Bank etc.

Once you’ve confidently collected all the info above you’re well on your way to starting the pre-approval journey; book a call or fill out the contact form to move forward!

Mortgage Pre-Approval Checklist




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